The Secret Life of Wonder Woman

If I were to design a themed ride for the sake of Wonder Woman, it would probably be more of a history lesson than a ride. I once went on a ride in Universal Orlando that was themed around older movies. You were led into a cart much like the one in Indiana Jones, the cart then followed a track and showed you around the history of these movies. It was boring at my age, but I found these interesting action packed movies that I'd never even sneezed at before because of the date it was made. I feel as though I could do something the same with Wonder Woman for the sake of delivering her message...perhaps while still providing a thrilling experience one expects from a theme park.

Wonder Woman's whole message has to do with feminism and equality. She was an amazon from a world without men who entered a world where men ruled. I mean actually ruled, as in woman were considered to be lesser than a man. It's 2018 and I find it unbelievable that could be real, but we do still live in that world with stubborn old fashioned men. Wonder Woman introduced the truth of which a Woman is powerful, a woman can be a super hero, a woman can punch a man's face in, what a crazy world. She delivers a message of equality in which her gender has nothing to do with how powerful she's allowed to be, yet it's also everything. If it weren't pointed out she was a woman then her message becomes lost.

The ride could be on a platform, say modeled after an 'invisible plain'. It lifts you up through a curtain and brings you into Wonder Woman's world, say through a red elegant curtain. Screens litter about and your platform brings you around giving you a chance to see the message on each screen. It would show her battles, animated in the same style as regular wonder woman. The panels showed would have everything to do with the serious message behind the wonder woman comics instead of the joking element a comic book brings. The ride would carry along her message, power and equality, that you shouldn't underestimate a woman or god forbid a male believe he's better because of the body he was born in. Oh and at the end you're dropped off at a gift shop full of Wonder Woman Comics, shitty lasso's of truth, the like. People are suckers for souvenirs.


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