Voice and Auteur Theory

For this assignment I focused on films made with the wonderful directing vision of Wes Anderson. Specifically the films of his I watched were "Fanatastic Mr. Fox", "Moonrise Kingdom", and "The Grand Budapest Hotel". The first thing I notice when I watch a Wes Anderson film is the certain way his actors behave. Everything is very serious and one tone, as if each character has the same quick and to the point personality. It's actually one of the most entertaining parts of his films, and his signature. The way the characters talk seems to be a way for the dialogue to instead support the film rather than drive it. Actions speak much louder than words in his films.
I find it very interesting how Wes Anderson switches between Stop Motion made movies and regular style films. Yet between these two different methods his characters still have the signature attitude of Wes Anderson. I noticed his decision of color as well. None of his films are bright or neon, but instead dull and bland with small splashes of color here and there. It brings a similar mood across different scenes.

Excited for Isle of Dogs!!


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