Week 8 Bamboozled

I decided to read the script for Bamboozled (by Spike Lee) and feel after reading through the most of it I would love to tell it's story through the part of the directing photographer. As this contribution to the script I would take a lot of shot focusing on a single person instead of 2 even during a conversation. It feels as though the writer wrote this making the characters feel as though they may be monolouging. There's a lot of breaking the 4th wall, such as in the very beginning when Delacroix introduces himself to the camera instead of another person. It makes the viewer feeling as though they're being directly spoken to by the character, so it would make sense in the shot photography that each scene would have a certain closeness to the character speaking at the moment. Or the character with a specific focus at the time, rather than focusing on multiple people in a shot. It's very one on one, personal.


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