
Showing posts from April, 2018

Week 14 Treating the Earth

One thing that I have always worried about was the state humankind is putting the Earth into. This beautiful land that we all have the honor to live on and mankind decided to invent cars to pollute it and factories to poison. I grew up being told that as a guest, I had to leave a place better than when I came to it. And I always did. Cleaning up hotel rooms, never littering, cleaning up constantly after my tracks as so to be respectful of the space I had used. Yet here I watch the grass of this earth being paved over so there's more parking for those polluting cars. If I had to choose the path of a dedicated activist I would fight for the state of the earth. I would push to teach and inform about it, since being aware is the most important tool of change.

Week 13, Curate yourself

If I had to choose a something important to share in the course i'd say it's important to be informed on the reality of how nutrition appears in media. Body Image is a very touchy issue in society, with different diseases becoming more dangerous noticeably in the US such as anorexia, bulimia, obesity, diabetes, ect. In the media you see many different types of people but most are actors. Thin, beautiful people whose entire profession is about appearing as desirable and ideal. It inflicts harmful eating disorders on influential mind. For example take the Kardashians affect on their crowd. I, personally, never actually understood the point of the show, but I've heard people talk about it. I always wonder what's so special about the Kardashians to create such the following that each member of the group has, when I realized it was their image. People are in love with the idea of the Kardashians for how they're portrayed in the media, such as their show or different maga

Week 10 Bone

I remember reading Bone when I was in middle school, I loved reading it again for this assignment. Bone is an adorable graphic novel, something I think people of all ages can enjoy from the more mature humor and cute illustration style. Bone is such a sassy main character it's easy to get sucked into the stories of his side characters instead.

Voice and Auteur Theory

For this assignment I focused on films made with the wonderful directing vision of Wes Anderson. Specifically the films of his I watched were "Fanatastic Mr. Fox", "Moonrise Kingdom", and "The Grand Budapest Hotel". The first thing I notice when I watch a Wes Anderson film is the certain way his actors behave. Everything is very serious and one tone, as if each character has the same quick and to the point personality. It's actually one of the most entertaining parts of his films, and his signature. The way the characters talk seems to be a way for the dialogue to instead support the film rather than drive it. Actions speak much louder than words in his films. I find it very interesting how Wes Anderson switches between Stop Motion made movies and regular style films. Yet between these two different methods his characters still have the signature attitude of Wes Anderson. I noticed his decision of color as well. None of his films are bright or neon, b

Long Form Television

What is television? Television is a series of images, sound, and color coming together to create a visual media enjoyed by many. It's quickly become a staple in the life of many in America and of course other cultures. An appeal of it is the underlying experience of seeing difference situations from another's point of view, watching stories actually play out instead of reading them in a book. -Visual -Often in Series -Moving Images, motion, sound -Time -There is amore set view on the story -Often involves commercial -Has been a aprt of our lives at one point or another -Can be education -Unreal expectations of life -Is mostly shorter than moview -Often more than one protagnonis -Involved -Extentialism -Something to do to pass time/Get away from regular life The Handmaiden's Tale I watched many of the series on Steiling's list, but the one I chose to watch for the assignment was the Handmaiden's tale. It was a book adapted to a series on hulu. In

Ready Player One

The topic of controversy in this novel is virtual reality, a rapidly developing area of technology that some say take people closer to technology than humanity these days. In a way it's correct, you start to disassociate more with real life when you spend most of your time in a place that is actually non existent. Virtual reality is amazing because it take the appeal of escaping real life to a whole new level in which you actually escape your reality, entering a controlled environment of which you may have a say in. Yet if you can do that you may want to spend less and less time in your own life, which can mentally really mess with a person. Imagine living in such an exciting virtual environment for so long that you decide your own life is simply a bore. Ready player one was honestly a grueling read for me. I've never been much into video games, but I know the feeling of drifting off into a daydream where nothing makes sense but I am the superhero. This books story seems like

Week 8 Bamboozled

I decided to read the script for Bamboozled (by Spike Lee) and feel after reading through the most of it I would love to tell it's story through the part of the directing photographer. As this contribution to the script I would take a lot of shot focusing on a single person instead of 2 even during a conversation. It feels as though the writer wrote this making the characters feel as though they may be monolouging. There's a lot of breaking the 4th wall, such as in the very beginning when Delacroix introduces himself to the camera instead of another person. It makes the viewer feeling as though they're being directly spoken to by the character, so it would make sense in the shot photography that each scene would have a certain closeness to the character speaking at the moment. Or the character with a specific focus at the time, rather than focusing on multiple people in a shot. It's very one on one, personal.